Centre For The Development of Glass Industry A Unido / Undp Project, Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India, Firozabad (U.P.)

  Highlights of Achievements  


    • A Govt. of India Society set up by Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India, UNIDO / UNDP and Govt. of U.P. for Development of centuries old Glass Industry of India in Firozabad.
    • Worked for more than 3 years in UNIDO / UNDP project for the setting up of National Centre for Development of Glass Industry at Firozabad and coordinated transfer of Technology, visit / selection of foreign experts & up-gradation of coal based technology to gas based.
    • Looked after the complete coordination work with Govt. of U.P., Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India and UNIDO / UNDP including financial sanctions and approvals from all the three agencies.
    • Industry and Centre Interface for adoption of Newer Technologies. s
    • Deputed by UNIDO for 2 months specialized training for technology transfer and study of management pattern of small and medium enterprises in Czech Republic.
    • Looking after various schemes of UNDP for eradication of child labour, social issues and welfare schemes and monitoring of NGO’s being funded by UNIDO / UNDP.